Bus Timetable 2025

 Please note this timetable is subject to change, please check back regularly for any changes.

The stops are listed in the following order. Click on one of the suburbs below to see bus pickups and drop offs.

    1. Cambridge
    2. Dinsdale East
    3. Dinsdale West
    4. Chartwell
    5. Hillcrest
    6. Huntly
    7. Melville
    8. Nawton
    9. Ngaruawahia
    10. Raglan
    11. Rototuna
    12. Te Awamutu
    13. Te Rapa
    14. Templeview


We try to accommodate as many whānau as possible which means adjustments to the following schedules are made periodically - especially at the start of the year when the school roll is still settling.

Drivers will remain at the stop until the time that appears on the schedule and will not leave ahead of time. Mokopuna are also encouraged to wait for 20 minutes in case heavy traffic or a breakdown delays the service. Please ensure that you have arrangements in place so your tamaiti can contact you or has a safe place to return to if they miss the bus or van.

We have provided the mobile numbers of the drivers (excluding the Go Bus Drivers) for emergency purposes only and note they will not respond while the vehicle is moving. 

Please remind your tamaiti that misbehavior on any of the vehicles will not be tolerated and puts them at risk of being removed from that service temporarily or even permanently.

Queries regarding the bus schedule should be directed to Hemi | mobile  021 812 204.

The bus schedule can be accessed on our website and a page in our school newsletter also houses the schedule.


Updated January 2025