

I enjoy working with numbers and patterns


  • Tautohua he mahere matawhenua e tohu ana i te tūnga o ngā wāhi i roto i te tongi a Tāwhiao,. Tātaihia te tāwhiti mai i a Arekahānara, Kemureti me Ngāruawahia.
  • Identify a map that shows the location of Pīrongia, Cambridge and  Ngāruawahia mentioned in one of Tāwhiao's tongi.

  • Calculate the distance between each of the locations

device required

  pen n paper


  • Ki tā Pōtatau Te Wherowhero, “Kotahi te kohao o te ngira e kuhuna ai te miro ma, te miro  pango, te miro whero"Rārangahia he taura. mā ngā miro e toru ā wūru, ā taura hū. rānei. Tāpirihia he tae tuawhā. E hia ngā tauira rerekē ka puta?  

  • Pōtatau Te Wherowhero talks about weaving three threads together. Use different coloured shoe laces or wool to create a 'single' thread. Add a fourth colour. How many different patterns can you create?  
"Realise your greatness - He uri koe nō te hunga Atua - nōu te ao".