Mahi Tuatoru

Te Reo Māori | English

Tatauria te utu o ngā kai kei te kete hokokai. Me whai whakaaro koe ki te maha o ia momo kai. Hei tauira, e 5 ngā kēne kānga kīrimi. ketehokokai

Kei te kite koe i ētahi rerekētanga o ngā utu i waenga i ngā momo waitohu? 

Whakatauritehia te momo waitohu mai i  te hokomaha ki ngā momo whai rawa.

Ka tīni koe i tētahi o ō tino kai mō tētahi momo mai i te hokomaha mēnā he iti ake te utu. Kua pēnei koutou ko tō whānau?

Whakamahia te Popplet, ki te waihanga i tētahi mahere hono whakaaro e whakaatu ana i ngā momo kai ka tīnihia.


Calculate the value of the groceries in the shopping bag You need to take into account the number of each food item included in the bag.

For example, there are 5 cans of creamed corn.  ketehokokai2

Is there a price difference in brands?

Compare the supermarket brand to the premium brands.

Of your favourite foods would you swap any of them for a supermarket brand if it meant you were saving money.

Have you and your whānau tried to do this?

Popplet, create a mind map of food/brands you would consider changing.

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