Mahi Tuarua |
Te Reo Māori | English |
Tuhia ngā momo kai e kaha ana koutou ko ō hoa ki te kai i ia wiki. Me āta tuhi te momo me te maha, i.e. 100 ml Sanitarium Chocolate Up & Go. Whakamahia te Piktochart ki te waihanga i tō ake ‘Swap this for that’ me ō whakahau. Tērā pea, me whakawhiti i ngā kai he iti ake te warowaihā, te huka me te tote. |
English |
Create a list of foods that you and your friends like to eat regularly. Be specific about the brand and quantity, ie. a 100ML Sanitarium Chocolate Up & Go. Using Piktochart create your own infographic with your own ‘swap this for that' recommendations. Consider swapping food for things that have less carbohydrates, less sugar, and less sodium. |