I, the mokopuna, agree to...
- Come to school when school is open.
- Let the school know I will be absent and why.
- Catch up on any learning I may have missed.
- Be responsible and talking to someone about my reasons for absence where my absence is having an impact on my engagement and achievement.
- Respect others online and communicate in a mana enhancing way.
- Not create or forward content that is harmful, inappropriate or hurtful.
- Only record and share video, photo or audio content if the people in it know it has been taken and have provided their consent.
- Keep personal information safe and secure by using strong passwords and not sharing them with others.
- Not access devices or online sites belonging to others without consent.
- Follow instructions from pouako about personal device use during school hours.
- To be respectful of others on the bus.
- To make sure I do not act in any way that will distract the driver.
- To make sure that I travel directly to and from school and do not take off somewhere else without the knowledge of my whānau.
I understand that I may not be able to use the bus for a period of time if I don't meet these expectations.
Last checked: July 2022