We at Te Kōpuku High, agree to...
- Provide stimulating and engaging programmes
- Provide a range of channels to communicate absence
- Acknowledge receipt of absence
- Ensure mokopuna can access any learning they may have missed and provide extra tutorials as required
- Provide a 'safe space and opportunities to talk with someone (a poumahi, mentor, neutral person, wellness coach) where reasons for absence are school-related
- Work with the whānau to address issues relating to absence
- Engage the appropriate services/agencies where chronic absence is the result of external factors
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AGREEMENT - Te Kōpuku High recognises the right of mokopuna to receive a high-quality education in a safe online and offline environment.
- Promote positive online safety behaviours
- Oversee use of kura digital devices and platforms by mokopuna
- Use filtering software to minimise access to inappropriate online content
- Secure the personal information the school collects about you
- Allow the use of technology for personal reasons during break times as long as it does not negatively impact on self and others
- Support mokopuna who need help dealing with online incidents
- Take action when a negative online experience occurs between mokopuna even if it takes place outside of school hours
- Have a plan in place to support mokopuna when something serious or illegal happens. This might include getting in touch with the Police or Netsafe
BUS AGREEMENT - This agreement outlines the expectations of the school, whānau and the mokopuna in relation to the use of a bus as a means of transport to and from Te Kōpuku High.
- Providing mokopuna with a safe place to wait in order to catch a bus
- Explaining to mokopuna expectations of behaviour while using buses and school vehicles
- Making available masks and hand sanitiser on the vehicles
- Contacting the whānau if we think the mokopuna is making unscheduled stops while travelling to and from school
- Working with the whānau to agree on consequences for the inappropriate behaviour by mokopuna on the bus
Last checked: July 2022