Mahi Tuawha

Te Reo Māori | English

Tirohia te rauemi e pā ana ki
ngā karoti. Kōwhiria he karoti, tētahi atu huawhenua/huarākau mārō rānei. Ka whakamātauhia ō pūkenga kuoro me ō pūkenga tapatapahi ki te whakarite i tētahi kai mā tō whānau.

Mātakitakihia tēnei kiriata  hei āwhina i a koe ki te ako i ētahi pūkenga tapahi. Me whai whakaaro ki ngā tikanga matua e pā ana ki te hauora me te haumarutanga i te kīhini. He aha ngā momo huarākau, ngā huawhenua me ngā kai kua tapahia e koe mā te whai i ēnei pūkenga. 

Tuhia ngā momo kai ka tunua me te whakamahi i tētahi kakati, ka tapatapahi i ngā kai, ā, ka tapaonohia ngā kai, i.e, te kakati tīhi ki runga tōhi; te tapatapahi aniana i tētahi mīti; te tapaonohia ngā rīwai mō tētahi huamata riwai. E hia ngā momo kai ka taea te tuhi ā-rārangi nei me ēnei momo pūkenga naihi?


Refer to the
resource page on carrots. Choose a carrot or similar hard vegetable or fruit and practice your grating, chopping, dicing skills to create a dish for your whānau.

Watch the following clip to help you work on basic knife techniques. Consider all the things necessary to be health and safety conscious in the kitchen. What types of fruits, vegetables or food have you tried with these different techniques? Can you list different meals that you would use grated food, chopped food and diced food. ie, grated food - grated cheese on toast; chopped onions in a homemade beef pattie; diced potatoes for a potato salad. See how many you can list for each technique.

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